Having kept up with all the latest members news and industry developments over the year it is good to be back promoting your achievements and being part of the vibrant chemical industry once again. I know it is a particularly difficult time for some with energy costs at record highs. And yet many report still being very busy with new projects and opportunities.

In this issue:

  • Understanding natural hazard risks to your site.
  • Ageing industrial assets in the UK.
  • Manufacturing news from the sector.
  • Ensuring sustainable management of process safety for chemicals.
  • Roadside eye tests – how good is your eyesight?
  • CHEMUK 2023
  • New member spotlights…

In this edition of Elements, we cover a diverse range of topics from our members including manufacturing news, energy, boilers and power, recruitment, language, and roadside eye tests. Reviewing such a mixture of articles from our sector reminds us just how varied and interesting the industry is and the companies who feed into it.

We warmly welcome Glacier Energy, Klüber Lubrication and Mathys & Squire LLP into Chemical Northwest membership. Find out more about what they have to offer on pages 29 and 30.

The countdown is now on to the Chemicals Northwest Awards on the 23rd of March at the Hilton Manchester Deansgate. With the imminent deadline for the award entries approaching, the team at Chemicals Northwest and the judging panel are looking forward to receiving your citations and reading about the excellent and innovative work coming from the chemical industry and its supply chain. In this edition, Axiom Engineering Associates look back on their win in 2022, have a read and consider how it might inspire your workforce and colleagues (page 26).

As this edition is going to print, we look forward to welcoming 4 speakers to the next breakfast event on the 7th of December. Speakers represent a wide range of topics from EV batteries - a particular growth opportunity for the chemical industry, science experiments to carry out with children, the Business of Science Conference, how language services can help to increase exports and multidisciplinary engineering approaches when conducting OBRA. Please keep an eye on our website to register for this event and for other upcoming events, news, industry updates, careers information and the latest Elements magazine https://www.cia.org.uk/chemicalsnorthwest/

If there is anything else you need from us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Alex Abraitis - Member Services and Events Manager

Winter elements 2022

Elements WINTER 2022

Download our magazine to see all articles and features from a wide range of Chemicals Northwest members in this edition.