Benefits and Costs
- Presenting slots at the Chemicals Northwest Breakfast Networking events - Events
- Free entry for other Chemicals Northwest events and the opportunity to present. We are also happy to run joint events in conjunction with member companies.
- Free feature opportunities in the quarterly Chemical Northwest Magazine “Elements” including a “new members spotlight” upon joining. Your company will also be listed within the sector directory in each edition of Elements in the form of a 50-word summary. Furthermore, you are most welcome to submit free of charge articles for the publication, such as: company news, press releases, thought leadership pieces or topical industry issues. A copy of each edition of the magazine will be posted to you.
- Free inclusion in the “our members” section of the website to promote your business.
- Discounted advertising rates for Chemicals Northwest Elements magazine.
- Discounted ticket/s for the Chemicals Northwest Awards Dinner.
- An introductory “meet the new member” bulletin sent out via the Chemicals Northwest database.
- Opportunities via the Chemicals Northwest LinkedIn groups and company page for promotion including a “welcome to membership profile”.
- Opportunity to advertise your own company events on our sector events page.
- The opportunity to have any STEM/Careers activities advertised on the CNW website and promoted accordingly.
- We will include you on the circulation of our e-bulletin – great for sector news and event updates.
- Please feel free to join our LinkedIn group and send me any information or events you wish to have promoted for me to promote and we’d be pleased to engage with you on Twitter.
- PLUS - REACHReady is available to assist Chemicals Northwest members with REACH, CLP and BPR needs at a 25% discount off a REACHReady Gold Membership. For more information and to subscribe email to
2024-25 Rates…(from 1st April 2024)
Micro Corporate Membership (Businesses with 1 - 10 employees) - £486.23 + VAT
Standard Corporate Membership (Businesses with 11 – 100 employees) - £845.70 + VAT
Large Corporate Membership (Businesses with 100+ employees) - £1076.25 + VAT
Once your application is complete, you will receive a comprehensive email detailing your membership benefits and you can benefit from being part of the community of chemistry-using industries in the North West.
Membership year runs from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 (if you join in the last 6 month period we will invoice for 1 full year of membership plus pro-rata for the current membership year to ensure you receive all the above benefits).