- Apprenticeships
- Higher /Degree Apprenticeships
- Jobs
- Industry insights
- Offer mock interviews
- Careers development activities- such as CV workshops, interview techniques, how to network etc.
- Work placement
- Internships
- Volunteering
- Possible careers fair
The focus of this Careers Week is Employment and Apprenticeships, and to provide support for students who are leaving college to secure positive destinations.
Our Curriculum Areas will include:
- Trades- brickwork, plumbing, carpentry, motor vehicle and electrical
- Health and Social Care
- Sport and Uniformed and Emergency Services
- Travel and Tourism
- Business and Accounting
- Art and Design
- Games, Graphics and ESports
- Professional cookery and service industry
- Hairdressing
- Applied Science
- Engineering and Manufacturing
- Performing Arts
- Childcare
- Computing and IT
- Fashion
Throughout the week, they will be putting on various activities, so if have any availability to bring your knowledge and experience to support the students and would like to be involved, please could you email careers@wvr.ac.uk