Welcome to the Winter edition of Elements. As we move into Winter, we take a look at what the team at Chemicals Northwest have been up to since the last edition.

In this issue:

  • Integrating Sustainability into Hazard Studies: Making projects Safe, Smart and Sustainable
  • Hosokawa Micron Ltd sets new standards for Business Growth and Success
  • Unlocking the Power of STEM: Transforming futures in the North West with Children Challenging Industry. Plus further STEM articles and news stories • Actikem - A game-changing partnership in Chemical Manufacturing
  • Selection inventions: a powerful strategy for protecting chemistry-based innovations
  • Patenting research outputs – sufficiency in different jurisdictions

We held a successful Regulation and trade update event on the 10th October with Ian Cranshaw from Chemicals Northwest and the Chemical Industries Association covering Free Trade Agreements and CPTPP. Ian also explained new policy on Rules of Origin and Duty Suspensions which are critical to companies operating in the chemical sector. We were joined online by two speakers from Dr Knoell Consult Ltd. Wiebke Sossinka in Germany and Cristina Garcia in Portugal, they covered REACH and Regulations for China, South Korea, Taiwan, Columbia, Chili and Peru. Our final presenter was Silvia Segna from the Chemical Industries Association who gave an update on UK REACH policy. The Regulation event is open to all members of Chemicals Northwest and is a roundtable forum for helpful and informative discussions. Our next event is planned for the 17th January where we have Paul Wright, European Industry Business Sector Leader from SLR who will be giving an update on adding Climate Change Adaptation Planning and Risk Assessments into your management system, if you operate an installation under an Environmental Permit. Ian Cranshaw will update the group on Free Trade Agreements and CIA Trade Activity for 2024 and Silvia Segna from the Chemical Industries Association will be giving an update on UK REACH policy and other updates from Government.

The UK celebrates STEM and the activities around it throughout the year and Chemistry Week, coordinated by the Royal Society of Chemistry was celebrated between the 5th – 11th November. At the time of Elements going to print, we were about to host our December breakfast networking event on the 7th December and were delighted to welcome two speakers engaged in STEM Activities. Our first presenter, Joy Parvin from the Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) will be covering the Children Challenging Industry initiative which will be launching in the North West in 2024. Our second speaker, Sarah Myers from STEM Learning will present about engaging future talent in the chemical sciences in the North West including the STEM Ambassador programme. Both Joy and Sarah have articles featured in this edition of Elements. We will also have Julian Hought from OpenPSM presenting his new product, OpenPSM®, a cloud based solution allowing users to evaluate management system design and implementation through structured PSM systems auditing. Our final presenter will be David Jasiewicz, Patent Attorney at Appleyard Lees IP LLP. David will present the third edition of Appleyard Lees annual Inside Green Innovation: Progress Report with a presentation focused on bioplastics and plastics recycling.

We are delighted to announce our awards host as Jimmy McGhie, an acclaimed stand-up comedian. The awards are taking place at the Hilton Manchester Deansgate on the 21st March. The awards are open for entries and booking and are both welcomed from members and nonmembers of Chemicals Northwest. Special thanks go to our sponsors for the evening. All details of the awards can be found here - https://www.cia.org.uk/ chemicalsnorthwest/awards_2024 We have some new events coming up in Quarter one of 2024 in association with Page Executive and the IChemE . Further details can be found here https://www.cia.org.uk/chemicalsnorthwest/CNWEvents. As always please keep your good news stories, case studies and thought leadership articles coming in to be featured in Elements and, as we sign off for the year we wish all of our members and readers season’s greetings and a prosperous 2024.

Alex Abraitis - Member Services and Events Manager

Elements winter mag

Winter 2023 Elements

Download our magazine to read all articles and features from a wide range of Chemicals Northwest members.