Welcome to the Autumn edition of Elements magazine.

In this issue:

  • What is the value of the environment?
  • Do the Unitary Patent and Unifi ed Patent Court off er advantages for SMEs?
  • Ultrasonic flowmeter measurement solutions in the demineralisation plant
  • Change management – things to consider
  • Roadmap to a Sustainable Transition
  • Is there a UK skills migration?
  • Flood Risk and Preparedness - join the working party

As we enter Autumn, our sector faces challenging times, with energy prices impacting hugely on profi table operations. However, it is heartening to see many of our members focusing on the future of the industry, thinking about the supply of talent into our businesses, innovations around the drive towards net zero and the capabilities of the supply chain, focusing on improvement of processes and management of production.

This edition we have contributions from across our membership, with a look at the area of patents from two diff erent viewpoints, a considered view of whether we have a skill migration problem, a focus on translation services and how it can help business expansion, as well as discussion around considerations for change management and look at the value of the environment in regulatory compliance.

We also have our member SLR Consulting highlighting the issues around flooding, which is of real concern for those operating around the fl ood zones within our region. As one of our new initiatives, we are working with them jointly to create a working group for companies across our membership, who can off er real support to industry on this topic. Details of how to join are included on page 17.

Our next breakfast networking event, on 21st September, will feature presentations from new members, Pumptec and ikm consulting, giving you the chance to learn more about them. Please make sure you book online, on our events page.

Finally, September sees the return of CNW Marketing Manager Alex Abraitis following her maternity leave. I’m sure you will join me in welcoming Alex back! She will be picking up the reigns across the board and again become your day to day contact.

Please keep an eye on our website for upcoming events, news, industry updates, careers information and the latest Elements magazine https://www.cia. org.uk/chemicalsnorthwest/ 

If there is anything else you need from us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Fiona Hought - Member Services and Events

Autumn Elements 2022

Elements Autumn 2022

Download our magazine to see all articles and features from a wide range of Chemicals Northwest members in this edition.