Supply Chain/Uses

Much of the success of REACH depends on working relationships between suppliers and their customers. It needs good communication, both along the supply chain to Downstream Users and other customers and up to the original supplier.

Safety Data Sheets

Regardless of quantity, if you supply a hazardous chemical you need to provide your business customers with a Safety Data Sheet which tells them about the properties and risks of the chemical and how to manage them. In cases where a consumer uses the chemical in the course of professional work they may also require a SDS.

REACH has changed the requirements for SDS. Click here to find out more.

Exposure Scenarios to cover uses in the supply chain

In addition to the SDS, if you supply a hazardous substance which has been registered in your supply chain at 10 tonnes or more per year you must also provide Exposure Scenarios. An Exposure Scenario is a summary of the risk assessment and risk management measures recommended by the registrant for a particular use they have included in their Registration. For many companies writing Exposure Scenarios will prove a significant challenge and we run training courses to help.

Downstream consequences

Dealing with Exposure Scenarios and updated SDS may have significant consequences to site practices or to worker or environmental legislation. We have highlighted some of these important effects here and in our training courses.

Contact us

You can call our Helpdesk number on +44 (0) 20 7901 1444. Or e-mail us on