The final REACH registration deadline for phase-in substances was reached on 31 May 2018. However, if you are manufacturing of import a substance for the first time you will need to register it with ECHA before you manufacture or import more than 1 tonne per year. We have compiled some helpful hints and tips covering each stage of the process from substance identity through to dossier submission. We have also included a check list that highlights what ECHA are looking for during their post submission checks on your dossier do you don’t get caught out!


  • Substance Identity 
  • Inquiry Process
  • Working with Other Registrants Considerations
  • Prepare your Dossier in IUCLID 6
  • How to Avoid Failing the Post Submission Checks

Further Information and Guidance

The ECHA website has dedicated pages for the REACH registration process which can be found at the following link pages provide in depth information and guidance on each step of the registration process. REACHReady Gold subscribers can speak to one of our technical advisors via the Helpdesk. Just call +44 (0)207 901 1444 or email 

Supporting documents

Click link to download and view these files