27 March - Manchester
The course aims to provide a working overview of OBRA qualitative and quantitative methodologies, to provide attendees with the knowledge to understand, query or even develop OBRAs as well as providing an update on the 2020 guidance. OBRA is the tool most commonly used to assess the risks to people located within buildings on-site. The approach requires knowledge of the potential effects of a major accident hazard (MAH) on a specific building against the likely building performance and ability to enact emergency response, e.g. the ability to shelter or escape an area. The course aims to provide a working overview of OBRA qualitative and quantitative methodologies, to provide attendees with the knowledge to understand, query or even develop OBRAs. CIA full member companies are entitled to 3 FREE SPACES per event and conference on a first come, first served basis! Please email to so we can help you register. Further details can be found here