Importer of personal care products receives support for 2018 registration deadline. 


Company J is a small importer of personal care products which it distributes to consumers and professional users in the beauty care sector. In 2008, the company pre-registered 12 substances in scope of REACH registration, each in the 1-10 tonnes per year range. J’s Quality Manager R has since been tracking annual import quantities to monitor and maintain compliance. However, now with as many as 15 substances to register and no experience of the previous registration deadlines, R contacted REACHReady regarding strategic and practical support.



A member of REACHReady’s technical team called R to find out more about Company J’s needs. During the call, R briefly explained the company’s situation, and outlined the type of support they were looking to find. As an SME themselves, the company wanted to outsource the registration work to a small consultancy or sole trader. They were happy to work with a local or domestic firm, or a company overseas, but stressed that experience in the cosmetics and personal care sector was important.

REACHReady suggested an initial phase of work – a scoping exercise – should be carried out to clarify the minimum obligations J must meet, and to identify best practice and customer care options beyond the legal requirements. Consequently R would have a clearer understanding of potential costs for achieving registration and remaining competitive.

Through Matchmaker, REACHReady introduced R to a few selected Approved Service Providers meeting J’s criteria. REACHReady passed on contact details to R, together with company fliers by way of introduction. To facilitate contact, REACHReady also passed R’s details to the selected ASPs.



A few weeks after making the introduction, REACHReady asked R to complete a short survey on the Matchmaker experience. In response, R explained that they had signed a contract with one of the referred ASPs, appointing them to manage their 2018 registrations. During the initial scoping phase, the ASP had collated information on potential registration costs from existing lead registrants and agreed an implementation plan with R in light of the release of updated IT tools anticipated in 2016.


Further information

REACHReady’s aim is to help our customers find the cost-effective solution which best meets their needs. Through our Matchmaker service, we can put you in touch with reputable service providers for any aspect of REACH, CLP or Biocides compliance. All REACHReady Approved Service Providers have undergone rigorous due diligence checks, and we carry out performance monitoring too, so you can be confident in their expertise and business credentials. Matchmaker is free, with priority given to our Gold subscribers

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