Helping members achieve sustainable healthy workplaces


In 2012 CIA launched the successful Sustainable Health Metrics Indicator Tool, which has helped many of our members to move forward to achieving sustainable healthy workplaces. It therefore gives me great pleasure to be commending this update of the Tool containing member examples of relevant good practice that we have collected over the past five years from those who have received acclaim or recognition through national awards and/or Responsible Care verification visits.

CIA champions health leadership (one aspect of CIA’s Responsible Care Guiding Principles) – this looks after an organisation’s best resource, its people! Our objective is to help CIA member sites achieve sustainable healthy workplaces. Today health leadership is a common term and for many companies a prominent focus for businesses, but back in 2012 this was not so evident. We have moved a long way forward since then to improving the health of employees in CIA member companies as demonstrated by CIA’s annual Indicators of Performance data, yet we must not become complacent as more can and needs to be done.

I believe there is a business case for health leadership and it’s good to see the Health & Safety Executive raising the profile of health with the launch of their Health & Work Strategy together with their sector plans. This strategy identifies three priorities as a nation for all businesses to focus their efforts towards, these being occupational stress and related mental health issues, musculoskeletal disorders and occupational lung disease; all are relevant to member businesses.

I am certain you will continue to find the Tool useful and we hope this update together with the health best practice examples will encourage further continuous improvements to be made.

The chemical industry is an industry that matters.

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