Using the format of the CIA’s Sustainable Health Metrics Indicator Tool, which is the overarching evaluation tool for Health Leadership, a specific interactive Checklist and Questionnaire (with scorecard) is presented here with respect to Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing as a support tool to help you be better prepared and assess your organisational arrangements. 

The Checklist enables a ‘light-touch’ quick evaluation to be made on whether your organisation is taking relevant action, whereas the Questionnaire and its accompanying scorecard enable a more accurate analysis for identifying continuous improvement actions.

The CIA recommends that this Mental Health and Mental Well-being Leading Indicator Tool is  used in conjunction with the CIA’s Signpost Guide “Mental Health and Mental Well-being Policy”. The Guide and Tool both use the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) ‘Plan Do Check Act’ model in HSG65 as their basis.

Supporting documents

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