All Responsibility & Stewardship articles

  • CIA-833284634
    Case Study

    Thomas Swan - Responsible Care

    Thomas Swan was early to adopt British and International standards (BS5750 in 1987) and is very proud of being the first company in the world externally verified to Responsible Care.

  • futamura
    Case Study

    Futamura - Site water demand reduced by 20% or 500m3 per day

    Futamura is dedicated to optimising the sustainability of all its raw materials and reducing its environmental impact, whilst maintaining the functional properties and wide range of end-of-life options for the NatureFlex™ and Cellophane™ films produced. 

  • venator 7
    Case Study

    Venator - Enhancing Biodiversity

    Greenabella Marsh is part of the Tees Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is owned by Venator and lies adjacent to our production site. It is an important area for feeding and roosting birds, both nationally and internationally. In recent years 38% of all the ...

  • croda 5
    Case Study

    Croda - Safety Leadership

    Most of Croda’s manufacturing sites operated without incurring a recordable injury throughout 2019 and for the first time, there were no recordable injuries in the Group for two consecutive months. Croda’s TRIR achievement places them in the top quartile of their industry, with a target to reach the top decile ...

  • Hoverfly
    Case Study

    Johnson Matthey - Biodiversity


    The Tees is one of the North Sea’s principal estuaries. Its port, industry and population make it a major economic significance for the UK. JM is partnered with not-for-profit, INCA, as a member organisation working to balance the needs of economic development and nature conservation. JM’s ...

  • jm 1
    Case Study

    James M. Brown - 1.5 acres of 12 acre site dedicated as a ‘Green zone’

    Recognising the positive contribution to the environment that James M Brown can make with this area, the company looks for ways to increase wildlife and plant species diversity. The Green zone incorporates a large pond with the recent addition of controlled water agitators to improve water quality and bee hives ...

  • AdobeStock_457290538
    Case Study

    Dow - Barry Site completes environmental project to cap site landfill

    This ‘nature goal’ project contributes directly to Dow’s 2025 sustainability goals and demonstrates that business and nature can benefit mutually when we apply smart eco-design techniques. This was a Dow Environmental Remediation project, landfill capping began in 2019 and was completed in September 2020. The landfill is capped using ...