
A stable UK policy environment

Despite facing significant global disruptions, the chemical industry is transforming both the products and solutions it provides to society. In turn, the chemical sector contributes to improving quality of life and protecting our planet. The chemical industry’s crucial role in the recent pandemic – producing essential components for medicines, vaccines and hand sanitisers – is just one illustration of the sector’s capacity to tackle the problems our world may encounter, whether it be a global emergency or an everyday inconvenience.

With chemicals featuring in almost all manufactured products, delivering innovative solutions and technologies is at the heart of what the industry does. This goes hand in hand with promoting sustainability and effective product stewardship to avoid harm to our planet and people. An innovation journey can be long and often complex, with many facets and trade-offs to consider in the process.

Therefore, a clear and coherent policy framework and regulatory certainty are both essential enablers to allow existing and novel chemistries to be brought and taken up by the UK market, whilst giving confidence to our customers, local communities and employees 

  • Engrain and make use of best available science to drive risk-based actions and decisions across policy and regulation to support a ‘create’ and ‘make’ environment in the UK.
  • Deliver on the long-awaited post-Brexit GB REACH regulation through a workable, protective and cost-effective alternative to the current regime to ensure UK manufacturers across supply chains are not at a disadvantage in a global marketplace.
  • Implement a UK Chemicals Strategy that enables and supports innovation and accelerates circular, low carbon solutions for planet and people.
  • Ensure our regulators are sufficiently well resourced with the ability to keep pace with transition and support inward investment.
  • Streamline Environmental Social Governance (ESG) reporting processes to remove the administrative burden on companies, enabling them to focus on transition progress.