GB mandatory classification and labelling (GB MCL) decision and updated GB MCL list (published 15 February 2025)

Ministers acting on behalf of the Secretary of State, with the consent of Scottish and Welsh Ministers, have made a decision regarding the GB MCL of 46 chemical substances.

The ministerial decision is an administrative process of updating the GB MCL list with new and revised GB MCLs.

Summaries of these GB MCLs have now been published in the GB CLP publication table, together with the entry into force date (15 February 2025) and the compliance date (15 August 2026).

The reasons for the decision were the identification of the intrinsic hazards of the 46 substances resulting from the scientific and technical assessment of the available information (as set out in the Agency Technical Reports), with no significant impacts being identified by the impact and policy assessments, as set out in the Agency Opinions.

The GB MCL list, which contains the legally binding mandatory classification and labelling of substances, has also been updated with these new or revised GB MCLs.

More information on the new GB MCL system is available on the HSE website.
