AESC UK Limited, AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd, and F2 Chemicals joined the Chemical Industries Association’s (CIA) 200+ membership which includes a number of major multinationals, SMEs and associate members.

The CIA is pleased to announce the addition of three new member companies to its growing network of industry leaders. AESC UK Limited, AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd, and F2 Chemicals have joined the CIA’s 200+ membership, which includes a diverse range of major multinationals, SMEs and associate members. These companies bring a wealth of expertise and innovation to the association, further strengthening our collective commitment to unlocking the full potential of UK business growth.

AESC UK Limited

AESC UK Limited




AESC UK Limited is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-performance batteries for zero-emission electric vehicles and energy storage systems. Founded in Japan in 2007 and headquartered in Yokohama, AESC has been building manufacturing capabilities around the world, including in the US, UK, Europe, Japan, and China. With over 14 years of experience, AESC is currently constructing a new Gigafactory in Sunderland, poised to significantly enhance the UK’s capabilities in the EV battery market.

AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd

AGC chemicals Europe




As a world-leading manufacturer of fluoropolymers and fluoroelastomers, and number one in ETFE, AGC Chemicals Europe has been providing solutions for the most demanding technological challenges across all industries since 1952. Knowledge and experience in fluorine chemistry has enabled the development of a host of unique products that help to drive the push toward a greener, brighter future for everyone.

F2 Chemicals

F2 Chemicals




F2 Chemicals manufactures elemental fluorine on demand which allows the manufacture of a wide range of high purity perfluorinated fluids under the Flutec trade name. These are specialist performance fluids that can be used in a wide range of industries that includes amongst others: oil, gas and atmospheric tracing; building management; semiconductor manufacture; medical applications; and dielectric fluids for cooling high powered electronics. The company also carries out Selective Direct Fluorination utilising elemental fluorine and organic compounds and utilises its fluorination skills to assist customers in undertaking Research and Development work that requires expertise in the handling of, and formulation with, elemental fluorine.

Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the CIA, commented: “We are delighted to welcome AESC UK Limited, AGC Chemicals Europe Ltd, and F2 Chemicals to our association. Each of these companies bring unique expertise and a commitment to innovation. Our members are the heartbeat of our organisation. Every initiative, project and decision is rooted in our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our members and working hand-in-hand to unlock the full potential of UK business growth. The CIA looks forward to collaborating with these new members to make the UK the location of choice for chemical and pharmaceutical businesses.”


For media enquiries please contact 

Simon Marsh

Diana Tamayo

  • Businesses who make chemical products and solutions are integral to something like 96% of all manufactured goods.  Whether it is ingredients for food and medicines; paints and coatings for cars and planes or materials for mobile phones and electric vehicle batteries, the chemical industry is truly the “industry of industries” – also playing a critical role in the nation’s response to Covid-19 through its supply of hand sanitiser, PPE and vaccine ingredients.

  • The Association’s manifesto sets out a series of offers and asks for the Government

  • Our survey was conducted between 8 and 19 April,. 50 companies of all sizes from across the UK responded.

  • Chemical businesses are located throughout the UK, with many of them clustered together in the North East of England, North West of England and Central Scotland.  These factories and laboratories, operated by a highly trained and skilled workforce, make a significant contribution towards the UK’s productivity performance.  

  • Roughly 140 thousand people are employed in the sector and nearly half a million have roles that are dependent on the sector. Chemical workers typically earn around 21% more than other manufacturing industries and almost 27% more than the average worker.

  • From Runcorn to the Humber Bank; from Teesside to Grangemouth, chemical businesses and their employees right across the country are essential to the Government’s levelling-up agenda.

  • We are the country’s second biggest manufacturing exporters, sending goods to the value of more than £60 billion to other countries. The EU represents our most important market, but we continue to work closely with Government to inform and secure UK trade deals with other key chemical markets such as Japan and the USA. 
