Policy areas

Chemicals Management

CIA puts advocacy into action to ensure the UK policy environment is growth-sensitive, with decision-making based on risk instead of hazard.

The regulatory framework governing this policy area plays a significant role in the commercial viability of products and in turn the competitiveness of chemical businesses. CIA therefore ensures member representation at the highest level in UK Government and in Brussels.

From UK and EU implementation of REACH, CLP and BPR Regulations to a whole host of upcoming emerging issues whether national, European or international at UN level the chemicals management team puts advocacy into action. 

In line with CIA’s principles of engagement on substance specific issues, we also act on what matters the most to member companies, particularly where regulatory proposals may set up a precedent of consequence that could affect a broader range of chemicals and the wider CIA membership.

Good product stewardship is fundamental to successful chemicals management and is one of CIA’s key principles of Responsible Care®.  We help members deliver this. 

Responsibility & Stewardship Case Studies

  • Croda - Safety Leadership

  • Venator - Enhancing Biodiversity

  • Johnson Matthey - Biodiversity

  • James M. Brown - 1.5 acres of 12 acre site dedicated as a ‘Green zone’

  • Futamura - Site water demand reduced by 20% or 500m3 per day

  • Dow - Barry Site completes environmental project to cap site landfill

CIA Blogs

  • AdobeStock_728411989 (2)

    Shaping the Future of Chemical Policy: A Look Inside CIA’s Regulatory Work

    Coinciding with the UK Chemicals Reactions Conference on 24 September 2024, an event organised by the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), Ramboll and Steptoe, Dr. Roger Pullin CIA’s Head of Chemical Policy and Health gives some insight into CIA’s Chemicals Management Team and their regulatory policy work.


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    Exploring the case for a new UK Chemicals Agency

    With a challenging commercial operating environment and limited available public money, this short blog explores the case for a new UK chemicals agency by focussing on the foundations of a well functioning UK chemicals regulatory regime, and how today’s challenges & ‘frustrations’ can be resolved by addressing these.


Our policy positions



Receiving Extended Safety Data Sheets

5 steps for assessing and extracting information



Guidance for writing and receiving exposure scenarios

This document provides guidance on how to carry out an exposure assessment to determine the conditions of safe use for all the uses of a substance registered under REACH.

panorama small tree growing with sunrise


Product Stewardship Guidance

The Responsible Care of products through all stages of their life cycle


Be part of it 

Members are invited to get involved with our Chemicals Management Strategy Group and explore out networks.

For further information, or to express an interest in joining, please contact Dr Roger Pullin at PullinR@cia.org.uk  

Find out more