Responsible Care Strategy Group

The role of CIA’s Responsible Care Strategy Group (RCSG) is to ensure that significant safety, health, environment, security, transport and other Responsible Care issues and developments are monitored, prioritised and addressed to meet agreed outcomes. RCSG uses a set of annual Operational Priorities for this work to help manage potential impact on chemical business operations. Examples of topic areas that are routinely addressed by RCSG or teams that it governs include COMAH safety; process safety leadership; occupational health including mental health; environment including IED, permitting, BAT, waste, soil & water frameworks; climate change adaptation; security; and transport issues.

Chlorine Users Network

Network Manager: Sarah Campbell 

If you handle chlorine in bulk, then joining our network of chlorine users provides you with a framework for communications and the development and sharing of best practice. The network also follows the implementation of the Chlorine Covenant within the joint industry/regulators’ Chlorine Steering Group.


Environment Network

Network Manager: Mike Squire

The environment is a big subject and this is a big network - it will be your number one source of information on environmental issues covering the likes of the Industrial Emissions Directive, UK Best Available Techniques, permitting, waste, soil, water, emissions, etc. Joining the network also gives you the opportunity to inform CIA advocacy and discuss any questions on Environmental Protection with experts from the whole of the CIA membership.

The Network runs alongside our more focused Sustainability Strategy Group and Industrial Emissions Directive Issue Team. Membership of these latter two groups is open to Full Members only.


Ethylene Oxide Sector Network

Network Manager: Sarah Campbell

The network provides you with a forum for open discussion on technical and regulatory issues relating to bulk handling, storage and transportation of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. The network engages in open sharing of incident and near-miss experiences so that companies can benefit from each other by adopting common best-practice standards. We publish guidance, which the network periodically reviews and develops.


Health Network

Network Manager: Roger Pullin

This network is for individuals with an interest in health & wellbeing leadership (occupational health, occupational hygiene etc.). Health leadership looks after your best resource, your people! CIA’s objective under our Health & Wellbeing Leadership Strategy is to help member sites achieve sustainable healthy workplaces; CIA’s Signpost Guides (on drug and alcohol policy, mental health and menopause) developed by members for members facilitates this and includes our Sustainable Health Metric Indicators Tool which encourages continuous improvement. Our Health Network enables members to share best practice, discuss policy issues, respond collectively to consultations, develop guidance and tools where needed, and be kept informed of upcoming regulatory policy changes. CIA’s strategy is led by our Health Leadership Steering Group [this is also open to all members to join].


Hydrofluoric Acid Sector Network

Network Manager:  John Butcher

If you work with HF Acid then you need to join this network. Open sharing of incident experience, information on effectiveness of different personal protective equipment, and advice on medical treatment of HF burns will give you the tools you need to be able to adopt the highest safety standards and to manage HF safely. We publish best practice guidance on all aspects of handling HF and the network is responsible for ensuring it’s kept up to date. The HF Network also has very close ties with the European equivalent group, Eurofluor, with whom we share information, initiatives and guidance.


Process Safety Network

Network Manager: Terry Woolmer

This network aims to share learnings from process safety incidents and company experience of best practices related to process safety management. It meets 3 times a year, sharing learnings from incident case studies and focusing on network-led priority topics. Our updates to the network provide information from, for example, the Process Safety Forum (PSF), which CIA is a founder member of, the European Process Safety Centre, IChemE’s Safety Centre, IChemE’s Loss Prevention Bulletin and HSE, giving access to guidance from other major hazard sectors.

Membership of the Process Safety Network is open to any full member company. We will consider organising process safety workshops or conferences as and when there is demand for such meetings.


Responsible Care Cell Network

Cell Network Managers vary: Main contact Dallas Paternott

CIA’s Responsible Care (RC) groups for industry are organised on a regional basis, each meeting 3 times a year to discuss safety, health, environment and security operational issues and regulation. The RC Cell groups are local and approachable, facilitated by a CIA manager, and a forum for companies to discuss issues with peers – there’s sure to be a Cell meeting near you, and an excellent opportunity to build links locally and get updates from regulators.

If you need to know who at CIA manages your regional RC Cell Group, contact Dallas Paternott to ask. The following Regional Responsible Care Cells are currently active: Scotland; Northumbria; Teesside; West Yorkshire; Cumbria; Manchester & Mid Cheshire; Merseyside & North Wales; South Wales; Midlands; South Hants.

Membership open to Full Members and Strategic Partners.


Responsible Care Site Coordinators Network

Network Manager: Dallas Paternott

Responsible Care is the globally recognised initiative that promotes continuous improvement and performance in Safety, Health, Environment and Security. It helps manage legal compliance but goes beyond this and boosts efficiency, improves reputation and enhances people’s trust in your organisation. Adopting RC is a condition of CIA membership. Being part of this network will help you discuss topical issues, keep up to date with regulatory developments, and contribute to the development of the Responsible Care programme. Our RC Coordinators Network is also a means by which CIA can easily and quickly communicate essential SHE information to members. Contact Dallas Paternott to ensure your nominated contact is connected to this valuable peer network.


Sulphuric Acid User Network

Network Manager: Terry Woolmer

If you’re involved in the bulk handling, storage and transportation of Sulphuric Acid then this is the network for you. Discussing regulatory and technical issues, this user and producer network is the place to share incident and near-miss experience and develop best practice. The network also periodically reviews our guidance on sulphuric acid storage, loading and offloading.


Transport and Logistics Network

Network Manager: Silvia Segna

The Network provides businesses an opportunity to keep up to date with transport legislation particularly in the area of dangerous goods; ideal for Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers (DGSAs) or those managing transport activities for the business. The network also provides an opportunity to share ideas, information and solutions to common problems related to transport and distribution.

How to join the Responsible Care Strategy Group  

Members are invited to get involved with the Responsible Care Strategy Group. For further information or to express an interest in joining, please contact Dr Julian Hought at 

 Join the CIA